Magnet Therapy

Magnetic Acupuncture Therapy and Meridians

365 classic acupoints were traditionally sited on the meridians. Acupoints have a lower electrical resistance than surrounding areas and can be pinpointed with great accuracy with a simple, hand held device that measures electrical potentials across the skin.

What is Magnetic Acupuncture Therapy?

Traditional Acupuncture treatment generally involves stimulation acupoints by inserting and manipulating fine needles to generate electromagnetic impulses

Magnetic Acupuncture Therapy also involves stimulating acupoints by pressing or attaching magnetic needles or patches without skin puncture for the same effects.

How does it help you?

We believe the Magnetic Acupuncture Therapy has same effects as Traditional Acupuncture treatment does so that it can be useful as a preventative treatment as well as giving relief in a vast range of health problems such as Musculo-skeletal disorder, Respiratory, Gastro-intestinal, Cardio vascular, sexual health, Pregnancy, Neurological, Psychological disorders.